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Last Minute Wedding Checklist

Last Minute Wedding Checklist

The Wedding season is well and truly about to start and for some of you, that means putting together those final pieces of your Wedding planning jigsaw puzzle.

But it’s hectic right? You’ve never done this before and you really don’t want to be forgetting anything…

This is why I’ve put together a straightforward list for you to ensure that nothing gets forgotten as you approach your wedding day.

The Garments:

Break in Those Wedding Shoes - This one applies to both partners, even if you’re planning on switching to something more comfortable later in the day, this simple tip could save your poor feet.

Pick up your suits/dress/outfit - Schedule a time to pick up your outfits and make sure that includes all the bridal party as well.

Steam Your Wedding Dress - This one’s a tricky one, do you? don't you? - I get it, so I’ll leave this one up to you.

Have Your Engagement Ring Cleaned - There’s going to be a lot of people wanting to look at your wedding rings on the day and it’s going to be in photos… clean up your engagement ring if you’re planning on wearing them both. Side note: You can pick up some fantastic jewellery cleaning kits from the like of Amazon so don’t feel like it’s going to set you back a lot of money.

Figure out how to get your dress/suit to your location. - Are you planning on taking in down the day before, where can it be stored safely, if so.


Clear the Work “To Do List” - This is more for peace of mind than anything else.

Finalise Last-Minute Deliveries - For any last-minute favours or gift’s arriving, make sure someone is around when they arrive.

Rehearse Your Wedding Vows - You’ve probably done this 100 times already, but it’s always worth going over them a few more times.

Gather your playlist - Whether you’re asking guests to contribute or you’re creating your own, your playlist is essential for your evening party. Don’t forget you also need a few songs throughout the ceremony and the wedding breakfast also.

Complete Your Guest List and Seating Plan - A final check-over to account for any last-minute ‘family dynamics’ that might have cropped up.

Rehearse the Speeches - Similar to the vows, you’ve no doubt got it down to the letter, but one more time isn’t going to hurt anyone….. You have done your speech right, gents?

Confirm Your Supplier Bookings - If you haven’t heard from your suppliers in a while, check in with them. This isn’t cause for alarm, wedding season is a busy time.

Touch Base with Your Venue - This one’s no doubt in your calendar already. It could be a rehearsal or just a final get-together to talk things over and finalise the plans. If it’s not, now’s your time to get it in the calendar.

Designate a wedding-day supervisor. - Someone to check the rooms are laid out as you want. This one’s crucial, you don’t want to be doing this on your day yourself, but you’re going to want to know everything is as you hope.

Review printed materials.- Speeches, Vows, and anything else you may need to be printed for the day. The last thing you want is a low ink warning or a malfunctioning printer the day before.

Tidy your home - I’m sure you do this one anyway, but it’s always nice to return to a tidy clean home.

Pack Your Wedding Overnight Bag and Emergency Kit - Clothes, pins, sewing kit, plasters, favourite teddy bear… Whatever it is, make sure it’s in your bag.

Make sure everyone knows when it's over. - If you haven’t put an end time on your invitations, now’s a good time to let people know. The last thing you want when you’re trying to head off to bed are guests wandering around or waiting for taxis.

Confirm any special drink requests with the Venue - You’ll probably cover this in the “Touch base with your venue”, but I think it’s a good thing to talk about.

Brief people on their wedding day duties - Best man, Bridesmaids, Parents, whoever it is, if they’ve got a job to do on the day, remind them and give them a rundown of what to expect.

Organise Venue and Supplier Payments - You’ve no doubt got this in hand, but trust me, I don’t know a single wedding supplier who likes to bring up the subject of payment on a wedding day itself. So if balances need to be cleared beforehand, find out when.

Nominate a ‘gift’ caretaker. - If you’ve got a table laid out for your guests to place down their wedding gifts, be sure to have someone periodically move these to a safe location. Often these tables are laid out near the door so that guests can see. It also means it’s a great opportunity for anyone else also. Don’t let that spoil your day.


Buy gifts for your wedding party.

Prepare for Your Honeymoon.

Last-minute Dance lessons.

Plan a surprise for your other half.

Bring extra cash just in case.


Have Any Last-Minute Beauty Treatments- Think spa days rather than anything drastic.

Get Some Rest - Sleep… sleep and more sleep… Oh, and did I mention there’s a huge list of things to do?

Check-In with Your Wedding Party - For your sake and theirs, they’re thinking of you.

Spend time together - Despite what you might like to believe, on the day itself you’ll be moving from guest to guest and often that means being at opposite ends of the venue. On the build-up to the day, take some time out to just exist with each other… It’s a big moment for you!

Don't go hungry! - On the lead-up to your day and the day itself, this one is equally as important.

Perfume Shopping - Now’s a perfect time to get that dream fragrance you’ve always wanted.

Tan up - Careful! if you’re not a frequent sunbed visitor or someone who uses fake tan, now is not the time to experiment.

Bra Lines - This is specifically for those brides who opt for a strapless dress. The last thing you want is lines from your bra still visible. So it’s time to “set them free” I believe the expression is… a few hours before you get in your dress that is., no need to do it days or weeks before.

Hair Cut - This one comes with a caution if you’ve had your hair trial already, I would try to avoid changing your hair too dramatically… it’s going to startle your hair stylist quite a bit.

Stay Off the Alcohol - Specifically the night before. I’m not saying don’t drink, I’m just saying don’t be stupid.

Don’t be adventurous - Now is probably not a good time to take up an adventurous hobby such as rock climbing, biking, skateboarding, skiing, etc… save that until after the big day.


Remember this whole thing is a journey, not a destination