R Orange Photography

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Davenport House - Shropshire - Sophie and Jack

Where can I possibly begin with this…

Davenport House has got to be one of my favourite venues in Shropshire. The way I describe it to people is simply ‘it’s like getting married at a National Trust property only you're actually allowed to touch things’.

An old country manor house that has recently undergone a refurb. Davenport house has some excellent rooms. One of my favourite things about the venue is the amazing picturesque scenery that's around the house. Further to that, you have beautiful characteristic rooms with amazing window light. Allowing for some dramatic portraits. As far as venues go, I have to say Davenport house is easily one of my top favourite venues and looking at the images you should see why.

As for Sophie and Jack, what an absolute pleasure to work with 2 incredible people. The love between these 2 was simply amazing to be around. I genuinely hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time! Even if it did involve accidentally knocking Jack’s beer over ;)

Combine that with some stunning bridesmaids and some pretty cool groomsmen who just so happen to all be friends and you’ve got yourself one hell of a party.

Honestly, as Weddings go, this is one I will NEVER forget!

Did I mention the insane amount of sun that we had?! You probably couldn’t ask for a better day.

It was also a pleasure to work alongside one of Shropshires finest videographers and absolute gent, Nick Boy. Who I’ve had the pleasure of working with now on a few Weddings (Actually, I first met Nick on my 3rd ever Wedding and he’s the first person I would recommend if you’re looking for a Videographer - He’s like me… only I’m wayyyyyy funnier!)


What you came for…

A little bit of Sophie and Jacks day… and a lot of what I do…

Thanks for reading.


Oh and here’s Nick…. Just because he has no idea I was going to post this…