The Number One Piece Of Advice For Planning Your Wedding

The Number One (Fundamental) Piece Of Advice For Planning Your Wedding

Plan your date around your budget, and not the other way around.

Often it’s all to easy to pick a date first, whether that be because you have a certain date set in mind, perhaps it’s an anniversary or has something significant meaning to you and let’s be honest, it’s usually the first question people ask when you tell them you’re engaged.

”Have you set a date yet?”

The problem with this is that when you set a date and begin to make enquiries, be that with venues or wedding suppliers, you very quickly realise that the cost mounts up.

Which leads to 2 things:


As the cost begins to add up, you may quickly realise that things are our of your budget so you have to start compromising on certain aspects of your wedding, whether than be on specific suppliers or on the venue itself.

There’s nothing wrong with compromises, I get it, your budget isn’t unlimited, but too often you may have your heart set on a supplier or something specific and realise now, you’ve got to cut back.

Which leads me on to the next thing…


When you start making compromises, or start making cut backs and begin to realise you can’t factor into your budget all the things you wanted, planning your wedding becomes more and more stressful. Which sadly, can lead to arguments and the last thing you want on the run up to your wedding day is stress.

Plan your date around your budget.

When you start to plan your budget and factor in the cost off everything you want, then and only then could you sit down and set a realistic date. If your wedding is going to cost you £20,000, realistically, how much can you afford to put away each week/month. £500 per month? Then you want to be setting your date 40 months from now.

Now I know what you’re thinking….”Who on Earth plans a wedding 40 months in advance?” - Honestly, the smart people.

I get what you might be thinking and most people say they don’t want a long engagement and I totally understand that. But you are far better having a long engagement, having the dream wedding you want and going into a marriage with no (or little) debt than to pick a date out of the air, make compromises or realise that you’re going to have to get into a lot of debt to pay for your wedding.

There is no right or wrong way

How you plan your wedding is entirely up to you. I can only offer you the advice but I would urge to at least consider approaching it a little differently. Forget what belief you think you might have about getting married within 2 years of being engaged or whatever it is and do your own thing.

Break the mould.

Now, how exactly do you choose your Wedding Venue?

Unsure of how to go about choosing that perfect venue, start here